
当你从美国寄来一封信时.S. 去另一个国家, 地址可能有点不同, 但它仍然是简单和负担得起的:它只需要1美元.邮寄1盎司的信件(或明信片) 美国邮政总局® 全球永远® 邮票.

寄往美国.S. 目的地(包括美国).S. 地区和APO/FPO/DPO地址),见 如何邮寄信件或明信片:国内邮寄.

For instructions on how to ship a package 去另一个国家, see 如何寄送国际包裹.




Different countries have different rules on what they’ll allow in. 查找你的目的地国家 国家和地区索引 确保你遵守他们的规定.

If you’re just sending correspondence (no trading cards, bookmarks, stickers, etc.) or nonnegotiable documents (just paper; no cash, 检查, 或其他有现金价值的物品), 你不需要海关申报表.


提示: 你只能使用 国际一级邮件® 十大网堵平台 to send correspondence (like a personal or business letter) or other nonnegotiable documents in a letter that weighs up to 3.5盎司或大信封,重量低于15磅.994 oz.



信封 是用来发送信件、卡片和表格等纸质文件的吗.

明信片 are for short messages that you don't need to put in an envelope.


No. 将10个信封的最小和最大尺寸进行比较

就像你一样.S. letters, international letters must be rectangular and made of paper to qualify for letter prices. Letter envelopes for international mail can be 11-1/2" long x 6-1/8" high. (一)标准编号. 信封长9-1/2英寸,高4-1/8英寸.) You can fold what you put in your envelope, but it needs to stay flat—no more than 1/4" thick.

提示: 如果你的信无法通过美国邮政总局® mail processing equipment, it’s "nonmachinable" and you’ll have to pay $0.还有44个才能发送. (参见步骤4中的额外邮资.) Nonmachinable items include envelopes that are lumpy or 刚性, or have clasps, 字符串, or buttons. You’ll also have to pay more if your envelopes are square or vertical (taller than they are wide).

If you want to send letter-sized correspondence without folding it,你可以用 a large envelope (called a 'flat"); the 国际公寓的邮资起价为3美元.00. 如果你的大信封是非矩形的, 刚性(不能弯曲), 或块状(不均匀厚), 你得付包价.

明信片: 标准明信片通常是用厚纸(卡纸)制成的。, 长在5-1/2英寸到6英寸之间,高在3-1/2英寸到4-1/4英寸之间, 都不大于0.016“厚. 从美国寄来一张普通大小的长方形明信片.S. 到另一个国家和寄信的费用一样.

大小 & 重量要求-明信片 & 信封
Step 3: Address your mail: Write the return address in the top left corner, 把美国放在底线上. In the center, write the delivery address, with the destination country on the bottom line. 也要在可用的空间写航空邮件/航空邮件.


每个国家的国际地址格式是不同的. You also need to write the delivery address in 英语 (if you need to use another language, 每行后加上英文翻译).

信封: Write your address (the "return" or "sender" address) in the top left corner (and put "美国" on the last line). 把收货地址写在中间(靠近底部)。. Put the destination country's name (in 英语) on the last line.

明信片: 明信片有不同的格式, so write the delivery address in the space it gives you (on the same side you write your message and put the 邮票).


打印清楚你的退货地址和送货地址, 在正确的地方, 以确保您的邮件准时送达.


  • 用大写字母整齐地打印地址.
  • 用钢笔或记号笔.
  • 不要使用逗号或句号.


在美国写上你的地址.S. (“回邮地址”). 在不同的行中包括以下内容:

  • 你的全名或公司名称
  • 公寓或套房号码
  • 完整的街道地址
  • 城市,州,和 ZIP + 4的代码®
  • 美国



你必须用英文写收货地址, though you can include the delivery address in another language (like Russian, 希腊, 阿拉伯语, 希伯来语, 日本, 或中国), 如果你把英文翻译写在每一行的后面.

Many countries use different address formats (for example, the Postal Code might go before the city). Get specific information about other countries’ postal addresses by going to the Universal Postal Union and clicking "Postal Addressing Systems (PAS)".


  • 收件人的全名或公司名称
  • 完整的街道地址
  • City, Subdivision (like province, state, county), and Postal Code
  • 国家

详见 国际邮件手册中的地址.



注意: 如果你要寄邮件到美国.S. 的领土,你.S. 军事基地,或美国军事基地.S. 大使馆在另一个国家(APO/FPO/DPO邮件),见 如何邮寄信件或明信片:国内邮寄.

重要的是: When you send using 国际一级邮件, you must write “航空/航空邮递” on the address side of your postcard, letter, or large envelope.

当你写好信封地址的时候, 把你要寄的东西放在信封里, 然后合上并密封.

第四步:计算并申请邮资, putting a 全球永远 邮票 on the same side as the address: top right for envelopes, 并在明信片上提供的空间.

第四步:计算 & 应用邮资

只为一个人 $1.55头等邮件国际全球永久邮票, you can send a 1 oz letter or postcard to any other country in the world.

把邮票贴在信封的右上角. (For postcards, put the 邮票 in the space provided near the delivery address.)

如果你的信更重或更大, 如果你的明信片是大的或方形的, 或者如果你想添加额外的十大网堵平台, 你需要付更多的钱.


国际信件的邮资依重量而定, 大小/形状, 以及你要发送到的国家的价格组. (见 国家价格组 清单.)

你可以用厨房秤称你的信, 邮政规模、自助十大网堵平台亭或邮局 计数器.

提示: 根据经验, you can send a 1 oz letter (4 sheets of regular printer paper and a business-sized envelope) or a postcard—to any country in the world—for 1 一流的邮件® 全球永远邮票(现为$1).55). 你也可以 use any other combination of 邮票s that adds up to $1.55.




If your letter weighs over 1 oz, you can buy additional postage in the amount you need, up to 3.5 oz. (另外,你可以邮寄重达15磅的大信封.994盎司,按大信封[单位]收费.):

提示: Put the 邮票 on last; that way, if you make a mistake at any other point, you won’t waste a 邮票.



如果你想要保险, 送货证明, 签名十大网堵平台, 或其他可选十大网堵平台, 你得额外付费. Note that not all extra 十大网堵平台s are available for all products; our 国际保险 & 额外十大网堵平台 Page有详细报道.

When you go to the Post Office to mail 国际一级邮件 letters, some of the more common extra 十大网堵平台s that you can add include:

  • 挂号邮件®: Requires that the recipient sign for the mail to confirm delivery (or attempted delivery). Registered items are handled separately and securely while in the U.S.-目的地国家的程序可能有所不同. 邮局会保留邮寄收据, 目的地办事处会保存发货记录.
  • Return Receipt: Available as an add-on when you use 挂号邮件 十大网堵平台 to send a 国际一级邮件 item. 当你从邮局寄邮件时,会附上一张卡片. 当物品被交付(或试图交付)时, 这张卡是签字后作为送货记录寄给你的. (请注意,有些国家可能不需要收件人签名.)
  • Certificate of 邮件: Proof that you mailed something from a 邮局地址.

网投十大娱乐平台跟踪的说明: You can’t get tracking on 国际一级邮件 letters. You can use 挂号邮件 十大网堵平台 with Return Receipt, or use a 美国邮政总局国际包裹运输十大网堵平台 提供追踪功能.

提示: 如果你要发送大信封(平信封),使用优先邮件® 国际特快专递® 国际,或头等国际包裹十大网堵平台®,你可以用 Click-N-Ship® 在线支付和打印您自己的邮资十大网堵平台.

Step 5: 发送 your mail by putting it in your mailbox, Blue Box, or Post Office.


Once your envelope or postcard has the correct addresses and postage, 你可以用几种方式发送, 包括把它放进你的邮箱或者扔进 蓝色收集箱 或者是 邮局地址.


  • Put your letter inside your mailbox and raise the flag (if you have one).
  • If you have a cluster mailbox, drop it in the outgoing mail slot.
  • 把它扔到一个蓝色的收集箱里.
  • 把它拿到邮局去 游说下降.

重要提示: If your envelope has postage 邮票s and weighs more than 10 oz or is thicker than 1/2", you can't put it in a collection box; you have to give it to an employee at a 邮局地址. 更多详情请浏览 什么东西可以和不可以放入收集箱®? (也看到 specific guidance around dropping off mail that requires customs forms-但如果你寄给15岁以下的人.994 oz that’s just documents, you don’t need to do a customs form.)

看到 邮局 & 下降的位置